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Fall 2022 Colorado Ki Aikido Seminar with Kashiwaya Sensei, 8th Dan

Updated: Aug 25, 2022

One Dojo, Denver Ki Aikido, and Rocky Mountain Ki Society warmly invite all Colorado Aikidoka to train in Denver & Boulder with Kashiwaya Sensei, 8th Dan. REGISTER NOW

Friday & Saturday, Sept. 9 & 10 @ Denver Aikido Dojo

Sunday & Monday Sept. 11 & 12 @ One Dojo Boulder

Join us at the Fall 2022 Colorado Ki Aikido Seminar as we welcome Koichi Kashiwaya Sensei, 8th degree black belt and Okuden in Ki Development, for a weekend of focused Ki & Ki Aikido training sessions for adults, teens, and children.


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Colorado Ki Aikido Seminar Overview

Hosted by Susan Chandler Sensei, 6th dan and Head Instructor of Denver Ki-Aikido, and Derek Nabel Sensei, 5th dan Rocky Mountain Ki Society, Denver classes will include an evening of All-Levels Ki Aikido on Friday at Denver Aikido.

During the Denver workshops, Kashiwaya Sensei will focus primarily on Yudansha preparation, with Friday morning and afternoon being open only to Ki-aikidoka ranked 2nd kyu and higher.

The Denver seminar sessions will culminate with a day of testing for several Ki-aikidoka from the Denver metropolitan area who have been training with much anticipation for this seminar. The Denver seminar portion will be a mask-required event.

Boulder classes will be hosted by Abel Villacorta Sensei, 4th dan and Head Instructor of Boulder Ki Aikido and Director of One Dojo in Boulder. All Sunday and Monday classes will be open to everyone with basic Aikido experience regardless of affiliation or style, and will be a mask-optional event.

Monday afternoon will offer a special opportunity for the younger generation of aikidoka to be inspired by Kashiwaya Sensei in a special 1-hour children's class.

Training with Kashiwaya Sensei

This learning opportunity marks Kashiwaya Sensei's 54th year in Shinshin Toitsu Aikido and is his first visit to Colorado since the 2020 Ki Aikido Teacher Training & Winter Instructors' Intensive—just a month before COVID disrupted everyone's lives.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to train with one of the most accomplished Ki Aikido instructors and practitioners in the world today! This may well be one of the last times for you to practice with Kashiwaya Sensei in Colorado, as he will soon be retiring.

As Chief Instructor and founder of Midland Ki Federation (MKF)—comprised of more more than 25 dojos across the USA, Canada, and Brazil—Kashiwaya Sensei is still one of the few full-time Aikido professionals in the United States.

Join us as we celebrate Sensei's 72nd year of life!

Kashiwaya Sensei, long-time uchideshi (live-in apprentice) with Soshu Koichi Tohei Sensei in the late 1960's and early 1970's, has practiced for more than 50 years and taught thousands of students for nearly as long. A major emphasis in his teaching, in these last few years as Chief Instructor, is the development of the next generation of instructors and leaders for Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido Kai in Japan.


Colorado Ki Aikido Seminar | SCHEDULE

Friday, September 9, 2022 9:00 am – 11:30 am* Test Preparation Training

11:30 am – 1:00 pm Lunch Break

1:00 pm – 3:30 pm* Test Preparation Training

*Open only to Aikidoka ranked 2nd kyu and up or by special permission from respective Head Instructors, with approval from Kashiwaya Sensei

6:30 – 8:30 pm Open to All Levels

Open to everyone with basic Aikido experience regardless of affiliation or style

Saturday, September 10, 2022 9:30 am – 12:30 pm* Yudansha Test & Workshop

12:30 am – 2:00 pm Lunch Break 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm* Yudansha Test & Workshop

*Open only to Ki-aikidoka ranked 2nd kyu and up or by special permission from respective Head Instructors, with approval from Kashiwaya Sensei. 6:00 pm Celebration Dinner in Denver, location TBD

Sunday, September 11, 2022 10:00 am – 12:30 pm Open to All Levels

12:30 am – 2:00 pm Lunch Break 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm Open to All Levels

Class will be available on ZOOM via Midland Ki Federation website registration.
Boulder Ki AIkido will televise via the BKA Zoom Channel. Details will be provided.

5:30 pm Dinner in Boulder, location TBD

Monday, September 12, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 Children's Class

Open to ages 9+ ranked 8A (Orange belt with 2 blue stripes) or higher

6:30 – 8:30 pm Open to All Levels

Open to everyone with basic Aikido experience regardless of affiliation or style

9:00 pm Late Night Dinner

Location in Boulder (likely BJ's on the 29th Street mall)


Colorado Ki Aikido Seminar | PRICING

All Day & Evening (evening included as a bonus)

$100 Early Bird (EB) | $125 at the door & after EB Evening only

$40 Early Bird | $50 at the door and after EB

For participants not testing: $50 Early Bird | $65 at the door & after EB For examinees: $25 Early Bird | $40 at the door and after EB Sunday, September 11, 2022 $75 Early Bird | $100 at the door and after EB

Children's class $20 Early Bird | $25 at the door and after EB Evening $40 Early Bird | $50 at the door and after EB


Colorado Ki Aikido Seminar | REGISTRATION

EARLY BIRD Registration Deadline: Register before Sunday, August 28, 2022 and SAVE!


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